Tenrikyo Resource

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Prayer Service at Church Headquarters (March 12–14)

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links Mar 17, 2011

The day after the Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake on March 11, a special prayer service (onegai-zutome) was conducted at the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters. The Shinbashira*, Zenji Nakayama, led the prayer service on wooden clappers while the former Shinbashira Zenye Nakayama sat in front of the kazutori (counter).

Japan 2011 Earthquake

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links Mar 12, 2011

I was shocked and saddened like everyone else about the earthquakes and tsunamis that hit northeastern Japan yesterday. Although images from the affected areas are starting to come in, I am sure we won’t know the full extent of the damage until later. Information from Aomori and Iwate is especially hard to come by at […]

“Tiger Mask” Strikes Tenrikyo Orphanage

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Japan Jan 31, 2011

Tenrikyo tends to be largely ignored by the Japanese media, so it was noteworthy to see a Tenrikyo-related facility being mentioned in an article on Asahi.com. It appears that the \”Tiger Mask donation phenomenon\” has even found its way to Tenri Yotokuin Children\’s Home.