Tenrikyo Resource

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Children’s Pilgrimage in full swing

Japan Aug 2, 2018

Translation of video narration: Under the new theme, “Gratitude! In joy we are united, to the Home of the Parent,” the 2018 Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba began on July 26. The Home of the Parent is thronging with returning children. Educational and training activities include corridor wiping hinokishin, lectures, and musical instruments practice. Entertainment activities […]

Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba begins

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Japan Jul 29, 2018

Translation of video narration: Sponsored by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters, the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba began on July 26. The Oyasato Parade is held as the night event, where marching bands, Boys and Girls Hinokishin Corps from each diocese, colorful floats, and character balloons bring joy to watching children. The new Children’s Pilgrimage theme song, Daisuki […]

2017 Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba begins

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Tenrikyo Church Headquarters Jul 31, 2017

On July 26, the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba, sponsored by Church Headquarters, began. At least 30 attractions are available, including pools, Ninja Village, and musicals. This year’s theme is “Spreading smiles. Mutual help.” Over 20,000 children are expected to return during the Children’s Pilgrimage, which is scheduled to run until August 4.

Children’s Pilgrimage begins

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Japan Jul 31, 2016

The Children’s Pilgrimage, sponsored by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters, began on July 26. The sites are filled with activities and events designed to foster an attitude of gratitude and mutual help. Children’s smiles could be seen on each day of the festivities. Tea tents and mist fans were set up as countermeasures against heatstroke. The Oyasato Parade […]

More Doyusha Videos on KOG

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Events, Japan Aug 6, 2011

A couple more videos (in Japanese only) about the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba (Kodomo Ojiba Gaeri or KOG) have been posted on the Tenrikyo Japanese website.

Doyusha Videos on Children’s Pilgrimage

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Events, Japan Jul 30, 2011

A news video (in Japanese only) about the Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba has been posted on the Tenrikyo Japanese website. Here is a translation of the narration: On July 26, after the July Monthly Service, this year’s Children’s Pilgrimage to Jiba, hosted by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters, began. The theme for this year’s Children’s Pilgrimage is […]