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GO ALOHA GO (Kaishow Caravan)

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Faith Experience Jun 21, 2011

Mr. Kaisho had returned from his trip from Sendai and had a lot to share with us on his experience. Previously, we reported on his mission just before he left. We asked him via email to explain why he went on such a dangerous trip to the areas that were heavily damaged by the recent tsunami. We received a very inspiring story that we hope to share with as many people possible.

Kaishow Caravan to Sendai Begins

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Japan May 6, 2011

A Tenrikyo follower in Hawaii, Tomohito \”Kaishow\” Kaisho, had decided that he wanted to help those in Sendai. Friends from the Stamina Ramen shop in Tenri City planned to go to Sendai and cook and serve 2,000 bowls of Stamina Ramen for the people in Sendai. As he explained, \”We\’ll just drive around and when we see people, we\’ll stop, play music, and cook ramen.\” He will be departing tomorrow.