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5 Reasons to Build a Tenrikyo Website

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Inspirational Jan 7, 2013

Now that we are well into the information age, having a website for any kind of entity is almost essential in order to conform with the modern society. In the case for Tenrikyo in general, I see that building websites for individuals or churches is a relatively new idea, but rapidly becoming a rather necessary one depending on church size, services provided, method of missionary work, etc. That said, I came up with a list of 5 reasons that may help convince interested Tenrikyo followers, churches, or other church entities to ride the wave of the digital age or even invest more into it.

If your church is small, you don\’t need a full-blown website, there are other solutions that can suit your needs, which I may describe in a later article. This article is mainly for churches or people that engage in studying about the faith of Tenrikyo.