Despite the current situation in Japan, the Leilehua High School (LHS) band had followed through with their long-prepared 2-week plans to participate in a cultural exchange with the Kyoko High School in Nara, Tenri City. They also planned to go on a tour in Tokyo, but it was canceled for safety reasons.As many may be aware, flights to Japan are quite costly at this time due to the flights being cancelled. Also, the Japanese yen had made a record high over the US Dollar recently. So they may be struggling with cost issues as well.
However, they have not experienced any problems since arriving in Japan on March 14th.
The Overseas Department North America/Oceania Section (TOD-NOA) has been responsible for assisting the band and their activities while in Oyasato. I have confidence that they should be able to provide many activities for them to enjoy despite the current situation.
Leilehua High School band safe in Japan [ Hawaii News NOW ]