Tenrikyo Resource

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Post Title Category Author Published

The Shinbashira Meets with Survivors and Hinokishin Corps Members

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links May 14, 2011

On May 5, the Shinbashira, Zenji Nakayama, visited affected areas in Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures to give encouragement to survivors of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in addition to those who were participating in relief efforts. This was his third visit to areas affected by the March 11 disaster. He visited Ibaraki Diocese Office in […]

More Disaster Relief News Videos

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links May 10, 2011

Posting links to three Doyusha videos. (Sorry, videos only in Japanese. Translation of the narration provided below.) Disaster Relief in Inawashiro-machi: Disaster Relief Hinokishin Corps (DRHC) members belonging to Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association Headquarters were dispatched to Inawashiro-machi, Fukushima Prefecture, between April 13 and 23. They cooperated with members of Fukushima Diocese DRHC to serve […]

Doyusha Videos: Hinokishin Day, Women’s Association Convention, Disaster Relief Hinokishin

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links Apr 30, 2011

Posting links to three recent Doyusha videos (sorry, videos only in Japanese) Hinokishin Day 2011. The slogan for this year’s Hinokishin Day was “Overflowing with gratitude and radiating with joy: Let’s do hinokishin.” Roughly 4,500 participants in Tenri—including Church Headquarters staff members and students of Shuyoka and Tenri schools—engaged in hinokishin activities at 53 sites […]

Tenrikyo Online opened a new website

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Tenrikyo Links Apr 4, 2011

The Tenrikyo Newsletter Online has just been opened using Wordpress. Sources explain that there will be a weekly post and the print newsletter will be released quarterly. So far I see about 45 blog posts, all in English, but all which don\’t seem to allow for comments. It seems that the Tenrikyo organization is still conservative to manage ability for viewers to provide feed back, but it could also mean that they are trying to avoid spam bots, an issue TR is no stranger to.

Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America website updated

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Tenrikyo Links Mar 28, 2011

The Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America website has been updated. I cannot say when was the website had changed; however, I noticed the change after the announcement that donations to the Tenrikyo Church Headquarters\’ efforts to help those who suffered from the earthquake in Japan were being accepted. I got curious and researched the history of this website.

CNN Mentions Tenrikyo’s Disaster-Relief Efforts

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Tenrikyo Links Mar 24, 2011

CNN writes briefly on Japanese New Religion and comments on religions\’ roles in the recent disaster, including Tenrikyo.

Leilehua High School band safe in Oyasato

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Tenrikyo Links Mar 20, 2011

Despite the current situation in Japan, the Leilehua High School (LHS) band had followed through with their long-prepared 2-week plans to participate in a cultural exchange with the Kyoko High School in Nara, Tenri City. They also planned to go on a tour in Tokyo, but it was canceled for safety reasons.

Tenrikyo Church HQ Official Donation Announcement

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links Mar 19, 2011

The Tenrikyo Church Headquarters had just announced in English means of which donations can be accepted for funding their two initiatives in helping the victims of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami and their efforts in disaster relief. Their announcement can only be found through their RSS feed at the moment.

More Tenrikyo Disaster-Related News

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links Mar 17, 2011

Offering a summary of Tenrikyo news articles in translation concerning the recent earthquakes and tsunamis: In response to the Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake, Tenrikyo Church Headquarters has set up the Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake Tenrikyo Disaster Relief Task Force. It will be headed by (Director-in-Chief of Administrative Affairs) Yoshitaro Ueda. The task force will hereby coordinate a […]

Prayer Service at Church Headquarters (March 12–14)

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Japan, Tenrikyo Links Mar 17, 2011

The day after the Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake on March 11, a special prayer service (onegai-zutome) was conducted at the Main Sanctuary of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters. The Shinbashira*, Zenji Nakayama, led the prayer service on wooden clappers while the former Shinbashira Zenye Nakayama sat in front of the kazutori (counter).