Tenrikyo Resource

Providing information & insight on all things Tenrikyo.

The Yutatsu – Wiki Links

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After some thought, I probably won’t make the “Weekly Wiki” a weekly feature since we don’t get a lot of articles in very frequently and we might end up with multiple weekly wiki’s in a row, which could get redundant. At the TR Tower, we aim for quality over quantity, but at the moment, we could probably use more articles. If you are interested in contributing, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Recently, the Shinbashira had released the latest instruction (Yutatsu) and we just added a new page! Hit the jump for more! Read the rest of this entry »

Tenrikyo Hawaii Convention 2011 Video on Youtube

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The Tenrikyo Hawaii Convention 2011 Youtube video (in Japanese) was just published by Doyusha (the Tenrikyo publication company) on November 29th, a few days ago. This video features a brief overview of the Convention and its history and featured contributors to the event: Rev. Melvin Iwata, Kelly Turner, Kyle Kikuchi, and Kyle Kawasaki.

Prior to the 2011 Convention in Hawaii, there was a Young Men’s Association Convention in 1974, 37 years ago at which had 1,200 participants. Rev. Iwata, an adviser for the Convention committee and a participant in the 1974 event, had explained that the 2011 Convention was the first time this kind of even was done completely in English and that the preparation and planning were put heavily on the shoulders on the people of Hawaii and collaborated with staff in US Mainland and Japan.

Hit the jump for the video.

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“Dusts of the Mind and the Seated Service Part One” by Rev. Colin Saito

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This article was pulled from the September 2012 issue of Origins (pp. 5–10) and was also the August monthly service sermon at Mission Headquarters of Hawaii. It has been slightly edited with Rev. Colin Saito’s approval. This sermon was originally a part of Rev. Saito’s lecture, “The Importance of the Service,” presented at the Tenrikyo Hawaii Convention 2011, but was cut out due to time constraints.

Rev. Saito had explained to me that this version has been modified many times before being presented for the MHQ of Hawaii’s August sermon and realized the true reason why it was not part of his lecture in the Convention. Read on to find out.

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Palette: Painting a Brighter Future by Michie Takeuchi

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The following article was kindly provided by Ms. Michie Takeuchi, a Yoboku of Kyokushi London Mission Station.

‘Creating a community’—That’s our goal. In fact doesn’t that go for any continent, any country and any region around the world? The name of such a community in Tenrikyo is called the Joyous life.

But to think big, we must start small. To think globally, we must first start at home.

We hope that in the future, the name of such a community in Europe will be ‘Palette’.

In my opinion, the mission in Europe is always faced with one main barrier—language. I couldn’t tell you exactly how many languages are spoken in Europe, but in the EU there are 23 official languages recognised. Currently, Tenrikyo has followers in The UK, France, Holland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and Belgium. That’s already 7 major languages in just 8 countries. You can probably see why this could be a problem.

However I believe that Europe’s weakness is also its strength. Being made up of such a variety of countries means Europe is a patchwork of different cultures, walks of life, outlooks on life, and most importantly different ideas. It is the mixing of such ingredients that can lead to innovation.

But first, you need a platform for it to all take place.

Enter …‘Palette’!!

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What is Tenrikyo? – Wiki Links


I would like to begin a new series “Weekly Wiki” that will feature pages from the Tenrikyo Resource Wiki (TRW) every week. The reason why TRW was made was to provide us and, more importantly, other Tenrikyo followers with a reliable, accurate, and accessible reference to all things Tenrikyo, but it doesn’t get as many hits as our blog. TRW’s database has grown to 363 pages (and growing) already, which is no small feat by two editors in less than 2 years! (mostly done by one though, haha)

Without further adieu, let’s get started with the article! Read the rest of this entry »

  • Author:
  • Published: Oct 4th, 2012
  • Category: Uncategorized
  • Comments: None

ssewankambo Robert – 2012-10-04 00:36:13

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lam ssewankambo Robert ,from uganda ,kindly l wanna join you please do send me all the requirements needed.l will be happy to read from you soon
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Introduction to Yoki Daiko’s “Joyous Drumming” by Keiji Uesugi

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Yoki Daiko group photo at Tropical Daze (photo by Jennifer Chow)

Hi, everyone! My name is Keiji Uesugi, and I am the director of the taiko group Yoki Daiko, which is based at the Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of North America in Los Angeles, California (Dendocho). Yoki Daiko is a community music group that practices and performs traditional Japanese taiko along with contemporary interpretations of this dynamic art form. Established in 1996, Yoki Daiko is comprised of members of the local Tenrikyo diocese and people who just simply love to play taiko! Read the rest of this entry »

Disaster Relief Hinokishin Corps Dispatched to Kinki and Kyushu Regions

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Flooding in Uji City (Image source: Kyodo via The Japan Times Online)

Record rains struck the central Kinki region on August 13 and 14. Rivers in southern Kyoto Prefecture overflowed, causing mudslides and damage to homes. One person was left dead and two went missing. The Kyoto Diocese Disaster Relief Hinokishin Corps (DRHC) was dispatched to Uji City on August 18 and 19. A total of 126 DRHC members cooperated with volunteer center officials and social welfare council members in the relief effort by clearing mud from homes. Read the rest of this entry »

  • Author:
  • Published: Aug 11th, 2012
  • Category: Uncategorized
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Hirofumi Nakatsuchi – 2012-08-11 04:51:08

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My name is Hirofumi Nakatsuchi. I am 57 years old. I would like to share my views of the religion. I would like to hear from others who are devoted to this path in America, on how we can spread God’s truth to the world one day sooner.

The following verse from the Ofudesaki may apply to me, and to the older population of our religion.

Step by step, I shall nurture trees, starting with aged ones VII-19
And assemble them in preparation for the future.

I humbly apologize if I should offend anyone in expressing my views of the church. I am aware that I am only a neophyte compared to many of you who have accumulated much more merit in following the path of Oyasama and the teachings of the church. I ask for your kind patience in reading my views of the religion.

Since childhood I have attended Tenrikyo churches and participated in the monthly services. The services were about two hours of discomfort on my knees, and were without much significance due to my limitation of the Japanese language. The lectures after the service were often in Japanese, or “broken English”, often expounding the importance of performing the service without a single mistake and visiting Tenri, Japan for our salvation. Even though physically I participated in the prayers, unfortunately my mind was elsewhere. This has resulted in the continual accumulation of “dust” (paths of the mistaken mind).

What is Tenrikyo? “Look at me”, was one of the answers that a respected Tenrikyo Reverend was quoted. But to me, I see a Japanese person first, albeit a very good Japanese person. There are seven billion people on earth today, and only .04 % are Tenrikyo members. For this religion to be the final religion, it would need to present itself in a more prominent way to the world. Even if we believe that eventually all mankind will be purified, should we not hasten this salvation?

During the late nineteen century, our religion spread like wild fire. But now in modern times, our religion is stagnant. Why is this path obscure to the world now? To understand this dilemma, I have recently started to study the Ofudesaki (Tip of the Writing Brush) again. To me, the Tip of the Writing Brush is easy to read, yet it is sometimes difficult to interpret due to the element of time. For example, a century may be an eternity to us, while it may be a millisecond to God who created mankind millions of years ago. There are many references to the future events that are sometimes nebulous, requiring the reader to speculate on when an event will occur or when it had occurred.

My scrutiny of the Tip of the Writing Brush is not to find fault with church officials. Initially, I wanted to understand our religion. Then I wanted to find out if the current views of our church elders are in agreement with our most sacred book. Would errors in translation and interpretation of our most sacred book explain the slow progress of our religion? With any document, there are different interpretations depending on one’s prior experiences and beliefs. Setting aside these influences (including other documents of Tenrikyo), the Tip of the Writing Brush should be translated and interpreted as accurate as possible. If there are errors in these areas (translation and interpretation), it would be difficult for the teachings to be understood. I will comment on three of the verses from the Tip of the Writing Brush which are suspect to interpreting and translation errors. I believe that these unintentional errors delay our progress toward receiving God’s truth. For example:

As to the Service to be done, X-21 it is solely by the Service of the Kanrodai (Joyous Service).

Despite the above verse and other verses in the Tip of the Writing Brush that specify the Joyous Service as the service that God requires for our salvation, the teodori continues to be part of the monthly service. It is service dance difficult to master, even for a native Japanese person. The contents are important and reflect the Tip of the Writing Brush; but parts of it may be antiquated and not relevant to the modern world, such as the subjects of smallpox and farming. Another example is:

Some would say that we must perform the service without a single mistake if we are to receive God’s blessing in quoting verse X-34 from the Tip of the Writing Brush. They often quote this verse in advocating that everyone perform the service exactly as danced in nineteen century Japan (performed in Japanese and with all the ancient musical instruments).

If only the Service is done without error, X-34
the Gift of Heaven, also, will be given without fail. (Ofudesaki 6th Edition 1998)

The service performed without error will be a difficult task for a non Japanese person. Fortunately, the above verse may not be translated and interpreted correctly. The preceding verses X-32 and X-33 are about the completion of the Central Pillar (Kanrodai). The verse in question (X-34) can occur only after all mankind is purified and the Central Pillar is completed; and the two verses can be translated as:

If only Central Pillar/Kanrodai is surely completed, X-33
there will be no failure in the monthly service.

If alas, there is no failure in the Service, X-34
the Gift of Heaven, also, will be given without fail.

By these two verses, God promises that when the Central Pillar is established, our prayers would be fulfilled and that the Gift of Heaven will be bestowed to the Parent of Mankind (establishing a joyous world). Verses 9-53, 9-54, and 9-55 support this translation.

About this Stand, I do not say when or how, 9-53
but when it is completed, the Service will be done.

If only this Service is begun, 9-54
nothing will remain that cannot be realized.

Watch! God will surely bestow the Gift, 9-55
the Food of Heaven, without fail.

In summary, performing the service without error is not implied in verse X-34; but what are promised are God’s marvelous blessings to the world, and the Gift of Heaven to Oyasama when all mankind is purified. Another example of a misinterpretation is:

By performing the service, a mute will be able to speak.

This Service is the path of salvation for the entire world. IV-91
I shall enable even a mute to speak. (Ofudesaki 6th Edition 1998)

Since the preceding verse IV-90 is about God teaching the hand movements of the service, verse IV-91 can be translated as:

This Service is the path of salvation for the entire world. IV-91
Even a mute can pray for world salvation (by the hand movements only, this prayer can reach God).

These and a few other verses that are translated and interpreted may not convey the original messages that God intended for us to understand. We must be cautious to translate and interpret the verses in the context of the topic, by understanding the verses that precede and follow. Accurate translation and interpretation of the Tip of the Writing Brush is vital since it is God’s words.

Whatever I may say or write by the tip of my brush, VI-82
it is none other than directions from the mind of God.

From corruption and greed in politics and business, to religions that encourage violence and retribution of nonbelievers, the world is mired with many problems. How do we begin to fix this? As explained in the Tip of the Writing Brush, we need to attain God’s truth. Beginning with our own salvation by attaining God’s truth, we can generate momentum to save the world. But where and how can we receive God’s truth? I believe that we can find the answers in the Tip of the Writing Brush. We need to find these answers and spread these teachings to the world.

Today, you must explain my talks to others XIV-65
in detail step by step. The time has at last come.

There will be no understanding about anything XIV-66
unless you tell them. Tell them everything, all in detail.

The question arises, how do we “tell them” or spread God’s teachings to the World? The world is more receptive to what is familiar. When Tenrikyo was flourishing in the late nineteen century, the customs and ceremonies were similar to the Shinto Religion which the inhabitants in Japan were very familiar with. For example the altars we pray to, are similar to the kami-danas in the Shinto religion. To make it easier for the people to understand the teachings, even the first couple was named after the Shinto mythical figures. Today, the appearance of our religion is foreign, especially in America. This makes it difficult for those who want to introduce this religion to others. When discussions about religion are discussed, I feel uncomfortable. Our first strike is when we tell people that our religion is Tenrikyo. The initial response is “Is that a Japanese religion?” We are on a back track to justify why the ceremonies are performed wearing Japanese attire and performed in Japanese. How do we explain why we are praying for abundant crops this season or about the salvation against small pox when we perform the teodori? Before we can tell them the essence of our teachings, they have a negative view of our religion; and we often end up causing “dust”.

I believe that if we are to hasten the dissemination of the teachings of our religion, we must take the foreign influence and the miscellaneous old rituals out of our religion. These familiar aids were once helpful in spreading the teachings, but now hinder our progress in the modern world. We must go back to reading the Tip of the Writing Brush (Ofudesaki) and understand God’s words. We must distinguish what is important. The importance of the Joyous Service is emphasized in this sacred book. For many of us, we chant “Ashiki o harote tasuke tamae” without realizing what we are asking God to do. In contrast to the other services (teodori and osazuke), this prayer (Joyous Service) is the most important for the salvation of mankind. Our priority should be to share this prayer with the world. The importance of this prayer will be expounded below.

As was once stated, we have the truth in a container (Tip of the Writing Brush and the Joyous Service), but are we going to share it with the world? The date January 26, 1887 is a significant date in history. This was the date Oyasama withdrew from physical life, but it was also the date that the portal was opened to save the world. Is this portal only partially open now because of the traditionalists who place more emphasis on old customs and rituals than the words of truth contained in our teachings? Have the weeds grown thick and is the path now obscure to the world again?

Many followers have difficulty distinguishing the core of the teachings from the “weeds” that may accompany them. They have a sense that this religion is good, and continue to participate in the church activities; but they may not know how to receive God’s truth. The ceremonies, the attire, and the pilgrimage to Ojiba do not guarantee us God’s truth. They may facilitate our prayers in receiving God’s truth (especially in the past), but by themselves are only events and memories in our lives.

There are some that have attained God’s truth, but are reluctant to spread the teaching for fear of what families, friends, or the world may think of them. This fear arises from our perception of how difficult it would be for the world to understand God’s teachings under the present structure and appearance of the church. The teachings that lead to God’s truth are partially buried under the miscellaneous rituals and ceremonies of the past which the traditionalists insist are important for our salvation. Because of these impurities, it becomes difficult for people to recognize and acquire God’s truth or blessings at our churches.

Where can we refer an English speaking acquaintance who seeks God’s truth today? I am ashamed to say that I am not comfortable to direct that person to any Tenrikyo church at this time. There is too much information that the novice has to filter out, before “digging up” God’s truth (blessings). This is why we need changes in our existing churches. We need places that directly convey God’s truth.

What do you think this talk is about? II-16
I am hastening for the places where God’s truth is conveyed.

These churches that convey God’s truth show people how to receive God’s blessing. God’s blessings are not revealed by perfunctory long ceremonies, incantations, magical rites, psychic manifestations, or prayers for miraculous healings, which some in America have attempted to emphasize in their zeal to spread the religion. Our blessings are received by our daily and monthly sincere prayers for world salvation. It is this simple prayer that will provide God’s blessings (God’s truth), and eventually will settle the world. It is also this prayer which makes the osazuke (healing prayer) effective. And finally, it is this prayer that will someday resonate throughout the world.

Solely by the Service (prayer), everything will be revealed (blessings) XV-85

Praise should be given to those who tread the path for salvation in America. Many have worked unselfishly in spreading the truth in America. Even though confronted by a different culture, they go forth by the knowledge that they carry God’s truth. But the container that carries the truth may be foreign to most Americans, and will likely remain unopened. Some may wonder if the efforts of these missionaries are in vain; and if there is an easier way to spread this truth that will settle the world? I believe there is a way. This path is explained in the Tip of the Writing Brush (Ofudesaki).

The following is a summary of the Tip of the Writing Brush:


God created mankind to live a joyous life

The reason God began human beings XIV-25
was the desire to see you lead a joyous life.

God announced this truth at a preordained time (1838) and place (where first humans were created), and communicated thru the parent of mankind (foundress) by the 1711 verses of Tip of the Writing Brush (Ofudesaki).

Whatever I may say or write by the tip of my brush, VI-68
it is none other than directions from the mind of God.

Looking all over the world and through all ages, I-1
I find no one who has understood my heart.

God saw greed, arrogance, self love, covetousness and miserliness in the world.

These paths of the mistaken mind (evil) lead to suffering and create an unhappy world. These paths are called dusts.

These paths are miserliness, covetousness, self love, III-96
greed and arrogance. They are the dusts.

Note: some believe that anger, hate, and grudge bearing are also included in the mistaken mind and are included in other records but are not mentioned in the verses of the Tip of the Writing Brush.

Instead of the Joyous world, God saw suffering (causality) in the world, caused by these dusts.

Until now, no matter what path you may have been on, VI-24
I kept still because the day had not yet come.

To God, everyone is a child of mine. VIII-60
I am filled with love for you.

But the innermost heart of everyone of you VIII-61
is covered with piles of dust.

Though until now God has never come out into the open VIII-66
no matter what occurred.

Until now, as the day has not yet come, XV-44
I have been keeping still on whatever matters.

There can be no help for what you have done self-centeredly. XVI-32
I can only look on caringly.

Whatever may happen, bear no grudge, XVII-60
it is what each of you has done to yourself.

As God saw the suffering of mankind due to the paths of the mistaken mind, God wanted to sweep these dusts from our minds. To sweep (purify) so many minds would be difficult. God decided that the best way to sweep these dusts is by distinguishing our minds, and placing disorders or illnesses on our bodies appropriate to how we are using our minds today. This guidance is God’s blessings, originating from God’s initial plan of a “Joyous Life” for all mankind.

This time, I shall make your future known in this life time. V-2
Look at the disorder of the body.

This time, bodily disorders will appear here and there. VIII-81
Know that it is the care being given by God.

But as always there is no coercion from God. God asks permission to carry out these plans.

Therefore, God granted us a special prayer, a prayer requesting God to sweep away our dusts and save the world (Joyous Service).

Little by little, I will teach the service (prayer). This preparation for salvation, VII-95
I will sweep clean everyone’s inner most hearts.

By this service (prayer) which teaches the path quickly. VII-99
all minds in the world will be purified.

This dust is difficult to sweep away. XIII-22
But if you only begin the Service (prayer).

If only your minds (prayers) are truly accepted by God, XIII-23
I shall sweep away any dust whatever.

With the sweeping of our dusts (evil), suffering will disappear.

If only the mind is purified completely, XIV-50
there will be nothing but delight in everything.

This prayer to God is directed toward the site of the original creation of mankind (mind was pure).


Evil sweeping. Save us please, Universal Saving God.
(repeat 21 times)

Just a word to you. What God is saying, listen please.
Evil things spoken not.
This world’s earth and heaven as a model, wife/ husband created & cared for.
This is this world’s beginning.
Praise O’ Universal Saving God.
Evil sweeping. Save us quickly. Mankind purified, joyous life.
(repeat 9 times, pausing after each set of 3)

With this prayer, we are asking God to eliminate our paths of the mistaken mind (evil) that lead to our sufferings. With the acceptance of our sincere prayer, God enters us and distinguishes our minds. God places disorders and illness that are appropriate to how we are using our minds. God is showing us our future now with these disorders. We have a choice to ponder and act on God’s guidance, and have an ability to change our future, thus stopping the paths that lead to human suffering (causality).

This time, I shall make your future known in this life time. V-2
Look at the disorder of the body.

This time, bodily disorders will appear here and there. VIII-81
Know that it is the care being given by God.

Whatever is done is done by God. XIV-20
Whatever happens, know that it is not an illness.

To explain how this regret will be cleared away. XV-85
Solely by the Service (prayer), everything will be revealed.

But without understanding what is occurring, one cannot comprehend God’s intentions.

This is a world constructed on reason. 1-21
So I shall press upon you everything with the reason in verse.

This talk requires only your understanding. III-14
With understand will come tested proof (God’s blessings).

As God desires to inform you quickly, III-29
you must understand whatever occurs.

Though I have gathered many and varied trees (followers), III-50
those that cannot understand reasoning (distorted mirror) will not do.

Though I wish to have you know this path quickly. IV-46
It is difficult because there is no understanding.

There is no error in my free and unlimited workings (God’s blessing). XI-14
But there must be understanding in everyone’s mind.

If only your minds quickly become open to understanding, XII-110
I shall show you the proof at once.

Whoever you may be, when this is seen XII-172
the cleansing of the heart will be truly accomplished of itself.

I shall not repeat what I have said until now. XVII-71
From now on, you only need to have understanding.

With understanding, God gives guidance.

I shall make everything in the mind of each of you XII-171
clearly manifest on your body.

Whoever you may be, when this is seen XII-172
the cleansing of the heart will be truly accomplished of itself.

God does not force guidance on anyone. If Gods workings (blessings) are not understood or ignored, God withdraws from the individual; and lets the paths of the mistaken mind continue.

I do not force you to come along if you do not wish to, III-6
but if you should, you will be good forever.

If you erase the words of God, XIII-14
I shall withdraw at once. Beware!

As God persuades you to such a degree, XIII-70
if your mind is in error, I shall withdraw at once.

As we pray to God to sweep the innermost hearts of the world, God encourages us to inform people on what God is going to do.

Today, you must explain my talks to others XIV-65
in detail step by step. The time has at last come.

There will be no understanding about anything XIV-66
unless you tell them. Tell them everything, all in detail.

Perhaps you do not know what this talk is about. XIV-67
Tell them all about the workings of God.

Perhaps you do not know what my workings are. XIV-68
I shall make all minds in the world be revealed (disorder to the body or blessings).

This talk, I do not indicate anyone or place. XVI-40
I shall give notices through bodily disorders.

Initially, God performed a test to prove the effectiveness and importance of the prayer. This test to prove the blessings of the service prayer is first performed on the early followers (foundress & her family).

This time, I begin the single-hearted salvation, III-44
after having tested it on Myself.

After praying sincerely, disease and disorders were manifested on the body as appropriate to the follower’s mistaken path of the mind. This was God’s “sweeping of the dust” as well as God’s test on the body (an example is Shuji, the son of the foundress who had leg problems).

The followers pondered over their disorders (tests), and made a commitment to God to lean on God (true sincerity), and prayed sincerely for world salvation. This is the positive response to the test.

These individuals then received blessings of healing. This is the proof of God’s free and unlimited workings to the test.

These tests on the early followers proved the effectiveness of the service and healing prayers; and increased the people’s desire to quickly perform the service.

What do you think this test is about? XV-52
It is solely about the preparation to hasten the Service.

This quote emphasizes God’s desire to hasten our sincere prayers to sweep the dusts (evil) of our minds. This prayer is the first step in this path for salvation of the world.

God settled the test from within, and sets out to sweep the hearts of everyone in the world. God challenges everyone to take this test, by pondering over anything that happens, to lean on God and pray for world salvation.

The prayer for salvation besides bringing us blessings brings other people into our lives who are seeking answers to their fate.

Throughout the world, this sweeping of the innermost hearts, 111-52
God is the broom. Watch carefully .

The present path is covered with dust. 111-145
Pray to God (Take a broom (God) and do the sweeping).

The path thereafter will be broad and clear. 111-146
Take along with you as many others as you wish.

As these people come into our lives with disorders or illnesses, God grants us the prayer to heal people (osazuke) as a way to inform and introduce people to this path that will lead to a joyous world.

These people, who are brought into this broad path by their recent disorders, then lean on God and pray for world salvation. God accepts their sincere prayer, heals them and brings more people onto this path leading to a joyous world. With this cycle, eventually the whole world is praying for world salvation.

With the purification of all mankind, God promises us the Central Pillar. The establishment of the Central Pillar will bring forth great blessings to the world (the joyous life).

As proof of my beginning of human beings, XVII-9
I shall put the Central Pillar into place.

If only this Pillar comes to completion, XVII-10
there will be nothing that cannot be realized.

Until then, the hearts of everyone throughout the world XVII-11
must be swept clean.

The Central Pillar symbolizes the proof of the origin of mankind. This concrete structure is constructed on the site of the original beginning of mankind. This site is where our prayers are directed toward, and reflected toward God. With the completion of the Pillar, God promises us a joyous world of great blessings.

If only this (Pillar) is completed, X-33
there will be no failure in the monthly service prayer.

If there are no failures in the service prayer, X-34
the gift of heaven also will be given without failure. (Joyous life).

How and when will this Central Pillar be completed?

1. When God teaches the prayer for world salvation (accomplished).

2. When the prayer is spread all over the world (started January 26, 1887 but needs to be

To explain what this path is about, X-31
God will teach them the prayer for world salvation.

When God takes them forth all over the world, X-32
the stand will be completed of itself (joyous life).

January 26, 1887 is the appointed date that is referenced in the Tip of the Writing Brush. On this date, God had predicted that the early followers would finally be able to sincerely pray for world salvation, and initiate the propagation of God’s truth to the world. This is the date that God accepted the sincere prayer and began to work for the salvation of the world.

On the eleventh, the nine will have disappeared and truth forgotten. III-73
I wait the twenty sixth of the month.

By this time, the truth will have come forth, and greed forgotten. III-74
All assembled and performing the service.

With the acceptance of the prayer, God began the process of sweeping the minds of the world.

Please do not speak about things in the past. III-113
I shall begin on the twenty sixth day.

This time, whatever type of mind you are using, XV-15
I will show it to you, and begin to work quickly.

Until now, as the day has not yet come. XV-44
I have been keeping still on whatever matters.

As the appointed time has not yet come, XVII-44
I have been keeping still.

Now the day is fully pressing. XVII-45
At the appointed time, I shall give the returns at once (disorders).

When do you think this day will come? XVII-46
When the twenty sixth day has come.

Thereafter, I shall reveal all the true minds (disorders) XVII-47
of every one of you by all means .

End of summary of the Tip of the Writing Brush

1. Pray for world salvation (Joyous Service) with true sincerity daily.
2. Tell people as a result of our sincere prayers what God is going to do:
A. guide us by placing disorders and illness (God’s blessing)
B. introduce others to God’s truth by disorder and illness (blessings)
3. Show people how to settle (heal) the illness and disorders brought upon by
God’s guidance (blessings):
A. pray for the person (osazuke).
B. show them how to pray (Joyous Service).
4. Reaffirm the purpose of our prayer by reading the Tip of the Writing Brush.
5. Envision all mankind praying for world salvation.
6. Envision a joyous world.

Have the whole world praying for world salvation (translated and performed in any language)

Directed to the future Central Pillar (Ojiba or the origin of mankind)

* * * * * * * *
E/ vil/ sweep / ing/, Save/ us/ plea/se./ U/ni/ver/sal/ Sav/ing/ God.
(Repeat 21 times)

* * *
Just/ a/ word /to/ you.

* * * *
What/ God/ is/ say/ing,/ lis/ten/ please.

* * * *
E/vil/ thing/s/, spo/ken/ not.

* * * * *
This/ wor/ld’s / earth and/ hea/van/ as a/ mo/del ,

* * * *
Wife / husband/ crea/ted /and/ cared/ for.

* * *
This is/ this/ world’s /be/gin/ning.

* * * * *
Praise/ O’/ U/ni/ver/sal sav/ing/ God.

* * * * *
E/ vil / sweep/ ing./ Save/ us/ quick/ly. Man/kind

* * *
puri/fied,/ Joy/ous/ life.
(Repeat nine times, pausing after each set of 3)
* wooden clapper
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Reviewing the Sazuke “The Approach” by Rev. Owen Nakao

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Rev. Owen Nakao of Tenrikyo Pearl Church

Rev. Owen Nakao, the head of Tenrikyo Pearl Church, has graciously allowed us to post his lecture he presented at Tenrikyo Hawaii Convention 2011. He was one of two speakers in the elective, “Reviewing the Sazuke,” a small workshop that aimed to help attendants increase their confidence in administrating the Sazuke on others. Read the rest of this entry »